Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) in Vancouver, WA
The term "Mother-in-Law Apartment" doesn't mean you're necessarily going to have your Mother-in-Law living with you. It's a common description of what is often also referred to as "Guest House", or an "ADU" (Accessory Dwelling Unit).
These are standalone living quarters that typically have bathrooms, kitchens, and sleeping quarters. They are ideal for having guests or housing a friend or family member while maintaining more privacy.
An addition is a different type of project, but can be similar in nature. If you're looking for a new standalone unit, it may require more investment than an addition - but there are some major benefits to an ADU, and it can create major resale value.
Additions vs. Guest Quarters
Room additions can be added to make room for a growing family, if it’s time for an older loved one to come to live with you or to expand the footprint of the home to make it work more efficiently.
A mother-in-law quarters, ADU or Guest House is something else entirely, though. Will the addition be a true stand-alone part of the house, complete with bathroom, kitchen, laundry, and living room? Or will it be used as a private place for the older loved one to have all to themselves while still using the family kitchen, laundry, and bathrooms? Even something as simple as a separate entrance can change the entire footprint of an area. This will create a sense of autonomy and privacy that suits the style well.
Not all room additions will have these many decisions, but ReNew design+build wants to make sure we see the project through your eyes. For some homeowners, everything has already been decided, down to the tile color in a shower pan. Others need a little more direction.
Let's talk about what you have in mind. Go ahead and schedule a call.